Sunday Sound-offs…

Happy Sunday! So I successfully made it through my work week.  A few hours of sleep today and I am on the up and up. 8 hours of sleep out of 60 hours isn’t bad!  So just a few lines of catching up since my last post. I ran 10 miles this week which was a big step forward.  I feel like now the goal I have set for the September half is totally obtainable.  This weekend I worked both Friday and Saturday nights. I successfully completed them with a lot of work, even more laughter, and a huge lesson learned about appreciating those people who support you the most. So now that I have finished my week, today is a recharge day in order to try to get my internal clock reset. Tomorrow my plan is to run another 10, and maybe up it by a mile. we shall see. 

So first the down and dirty about my progress towards fitness. This past Friday I found my ultimate nemesis, the stairs on the side of stone mountain.  They were grueling and slow and at times I was sure they were going to prevail, however I managed to muster enough leg power to make it to the summit.  I had great friends to laugh and joke with, as well as take a few breaks with, along the way . There is to be nothing better when you are feeling defeated to laugh and joke with your friends about the daily routine of life, poking fun of ourselves, maybe a spouse, or even the fact that two of the three of us could not manage to refrain from tripping over our own two feet. Least we not forgot the task of running and making plans of grandeur..  We managed to push out a little over 5 miles that day, though I am sure none of us could have slated that as our “best effort”, we indeed got a workout, and threefold the laughs!

So here comes the part where I am going change avenues now and vent my thoughts: (surprise) 

We are so busy in life that we often neglect and take the people in our lives for granted.  Let me tell you, the people that fight to be part of your life are the ones you should embrace and not push away because obviously they have a vested interested in the person that you are and have chosen to accept you despite yourself.  Lets think about this, people make an effort follow your life and continue to care about your despite the fact that you have days where you are a complete asshat, or days where you are completely volatile, or even embrace you when you have reached your accomplishments, or even support you when you need a little extra push; those are the people that should not have to fight for a spot.  People who simply to exist in your life and are merely objects in the horizon are those you need to think about.  What is their purpose, and should you spend your energy on transients? On the opposite of this, are we showing each other that support and compassion that we are longing for or striving to get?  We must come to the realization that at some point if we neglect those who care about us then eventually we will be standing alone wondering where we went wrong . We need to surround ourselves with people that are passionate about the person we are.  Often times we only scratch the surface of our friends.  It is important to know what makes each of us tick, and what our passions are.  The problem with the world today is a lack of passion, not only for ourselves but also each other.  Imagine if we set each others passions a blaze.  The possibilities are endless of what we could accomplish. We should strive to surround ourselves with those that fan the spark.  So these people we take for granted, one day they will stop caring, they will stop supporting and we will be left with the shadow of what used to be.  People can only take so much before their  investment is just simply not worth the risk. I am grateful to have a great group of friends, ones that will listen to my stupid stories, or text me just because they were thinking about me because of a random song or saw something random that reminded them of me, and of course vice versa. These times are good for the soul, and if you are thinking about someone that is reason enough to make them a priority in your life, of course unless those thoughts are toxic, but that is a different blog for a different day!!! 🙂 There is never enough love in this world and showing someone love does not make a person weak but rather shows a hell of a  lot of strength, and says a lot about character. I will end with the pic below: 

I found this quote on Pinterest and thought it was pretty relative to the blog. 

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