I haven’t fallen off the wagon

I haven’t fallen off the wagon, but I have not blogged in a while. Life as always is crazy. This will be a quick blog because there is not much to say. I have signed up for a half marathon to run in December. It is a cheesy run but I know it will be a blast! I ran 8 miles in Friday, it was a definitely one of those runs that you need. One thing that I have found out is that when women run they talk, and often times it is entertaining, and educational. Often times women running together is like therapy. Long runs are perfect to chat because we have an hour and lot to vent, so we laugh, and sometimes very become educated about random life topics. I often look forward to girl talk, and I suppose that is all I should say about that. Girly running groups are a lot like Vegas. 😉 I have decided I really need to work on my core. My back needs to get stronger, and I need to slim down my midsection. Not much has changed about running other than that. I just wanted to check in for a hot moment to update. My quote theme today is honesty so I will leave you with this:
