No wonder we are fat!

I haven’t blogged in a while just due to juggling a lot of responsibilities. I am still plugging along, slower than anticipated, but still moving forward. I have decided to really focus on clean eating and meal prepping this coming year. With that in mind, here comes my reason for this blog, eating well is becoming outrageous. Living in a small town limits options and at times raises cost. I went to a big box retailer today and my total bill was 217 dollars. Now given our family doesn’t eat terribly unhealthy as a general rule, but the decision to make clean eating a priority has put more fresh fruits and veggies in the cart. Choosing limited processed foods increased the bill by almost 80 dollars!!! No wonder America is such an obese nation! Families can’t financially afford a clean diet, however their bodies can’t afford not to eat clean. It is frustrating, and seems like as a human you take a penalty for to trying to make your body function optimally. Living off the grid and practicing sustainability is starting to look better everyday!
